ucfrentalhouse.com: Welcome to 2MExpress!

If this is your first time using an online website builder, then you won't have any problem finding your way around. If you have used site builders before, you might notice a few differences in our site builder. Either way, you'll love 2MExpress!

With 2MExpress, you can see in real-time what you are doing. There are no wizards or pesky forms that lead you on a wild goose chase, only to leave you with results you didn't expect. We're all about simplicity, and ease of use!

What you are reading now, is the first page of your very own website! You can easily add more pages (just like the one you are reading now), remove pages, and edit the site look and design. Be sure to explore the features of 2MExpress, and you'll be amazed at how much you can already do with your new website. 

Feeling lost? We'll get you started.
On the top of this page, you will see a grey menu. We call this feature of 2MExpress "The Express Bar." In the middle of the express bar, you'll see a drop down menu. Using the down arrow, select "02-General" from menu. Next, click the "select" button located directly right of the drop down menu.

Did you notice anything? The website design has been changed completely! Your content is still here, but you have totally changed the look of your new website. Yes, redesigning your website is this easy.

And there's more!
On every website design (we call them templates), there are an assortment of navigation tools. If you look to the left hand side of this template, you will find one of the most important methods that your users will use to navigate your website. This is the vertical tree menu.  

For demonstration purposes, we have already inserted some pages in your website.  Notice the "Home" text link, which is a main-page on your website. Directly below the "Home" link, you will also see other text links, such as Sample Page and Sample Page 2. These are sub-pages of your "Home" page.

On 2MExpress, you are able to have an unlimited number of main-pages, and every main-page can have an unlimited number of sub-pages!

Extra features
Did you notice the small "H" icon beside the Sample Page 2 link? This icon, which only you can see in the 2MExpress program, means the page is hidden from website visitors. It's very useful if you ever want to hide uncompleted pages from your website visitors.

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